White Buffalo Begins Filming Documentary
We are extremely proud to announce our latest project here at White Buffalo Film Studios – the shooting and production of a documentary film for The WILLOW Project. Today we began a series of shoots where we will begin to tell the stories of abused women who were wrongfully incarcerated. The stories are heartbreaking, the work is real, the stakes are high.
This project will take us to prisons, lawyer’s offices, universities, clandestine meetings with informants, back roads, crime scenes, and more. The project means so much to us personally as it is a subject that is near and dear to us given our philosophy of giving back to women who have been victims of abuse. We feel it is extremely important to tell the stories of these women who have endured so much, were wrongfully accused, and have all but been forgotten in our judicial system.
Please join in on following our journey as we film this amazing story on our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages. We hope you will find it as compelling as we do!